
Monday, May 7, 2012

Sorry, No Social Sharing at the London Olympics........

 Many people are looking forward to the summer Olympics to be held in London starting July 27 to August 12, 2012. And who wouldn't be? After all, the Olympic Games is considered to be the biggest and the shiniest spectator sports in the world. But wait before you get too excited.

According to a report, the upcoming London Olympics bans and prohibits the sharing of media products such as photos and videos to any social media networks like Instagram, Twitpic, YouTube, and even Facebook!
Social sharing conditions for visitors are very clear:"Images, video and sound recordings of the Games taken by a Ticket 

Holder cannot be used for any purpose other than for private and domestic purposes and a Ticket Holder may not license, broadcast or publish video and/or sound recordings, including on social networking websites and the internet more generally, and may not exploit images, video and/or sound recordings for commercial purposes under any circumstances, whether on the internet or otherwise, or make them available for third parties for commercial purposes."

In short, visitors at the 2012 London Olympics are only limited to tweeting or updating their status about attending the said event, but not with their video or photo images to prove it.
The prohibition on taking videos and photos, even for personal use, appears to have been influenced by the fact that the Olympic Broadcasting Service is the only exclusive and sole provider of video feeds and other media materials on the said event.

Many people are surely going to be disappointed to hear and read about this ban and prohibitions, but hey, the fun, the glamour and the show at the upcoming London Summer Olympics must still go on!

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